A Nonpartisan Public Engagement & Political Analysis Podcast

Two new shows every Sunday at 9am PST
Two new shows every Sunday at 9am PST

In this Episode #3 of Politics 365 podcasts, we hear from Mayor Lynne Robinson, Bellevue, Washington


Mayor Lynne Robinson, Bellevue, Washington shares her background & why she chose to run for office, the culture of city government & relationship with the greater region, Bellevue being named as one of ten finalists nationwide by the National Civic League as an All America City in 2021, the biggest challenges facing Bellevue & her plan to solve them, how to create an attractive environment for tech companies, recovering from Covid and what Bellevue hopes to gain from the $1.9T from the American Recovery Act?

You can watch the full episode here.

Mayor Lynne Robinson joined the City Council in 2014, and she has a long history of civic involvement. She is a champion for startups and small business, and has encouraged startup and equity crowdfunding workshops at City Hall. Her colleagues voted her mayor in January 2020, after she previously served a term as deputy mayor. Lynne also advocates for the environment, parks and open spaces, human services and affordable housing in Bellevue. She proposed a property tax exemption adopted by the council for multifamily complexes that include affordable housing. A physical therapist with her own business, Lynne holds a doctorate in physical therapy from Regis University and a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy from Northwestern University Medical School. She also earned a bachelor’s degree in community services from California State University Chico. In 2015 Governor Jay Inslee appointed Lynne to a three-year term on the state Board of Physical Therapy. Lynne developed an interest in computer science while in college, and she is on the Washington Technology Industry Association Cascadia Blockchain Council.

On the Politics 365 Podcasts, we engage political leaders, campaigns and issues that matter to you from city hall to Capitol Hill. Political rhetoric can be very compelling, infuriating and inspiring without much accountability. We focus on facts and separate political rhetoric from reality as we bring both sides together for a more civil discourse. That’s what Politics 365 is all about. If you want to join our podcast, advertise or learn more, please contact us at [email protected] or visit www.Politics365.com.

You may contact Mayor Lynne Robinson at: Mayor Lynne Robinson City of Bellevue P.O. Box 90012 Bellevue, WA 98009 425-452-7810 [email protected] www.Bellevuewa.gov

If you want to join our podcast, advertise or learn more, please contact us at [email protected] or visit www.Politics365.com.

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